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Farmers' income must be increased

Younger farmers don't see future in doing farming and are migrating from the villages in favour of working in cities in spite of various...

हमारी नर्मदा परिक्रमाः हेतु, समापन, सारांश, निष्कर्ष एवं सबक

- पृष्ठभूमि - नर्मदा परिक्रमा कठिनतम वामावर्ती दिशा (Anticlockwise) में शुलपानेश्वर महादेवजी मंदिर (Statue of Unity and Sardar Sarovar...

बाबा रामदेवजी समाधि उत्सव (भादवा सुदी दशमी)

बाबा रामदेवजी समाधि उत्सव (भादवा सुदी दशमी, 16 सितम्बर 2021) के आज 75 वर्ष हुए जब हमारे प्रेरणास्त्रोत पूजनीय दादा कवांट, गुजरात स्थित...

Food crisis in Sri Lanka

Caution: Above video is one sample amongst many such videos in the public media that I have selected here only as an important NEWS about...

Janmashtami at SCA Vatika

Janmashtami celebration is always at our Temple of Spirit (बाबा रामदेव मंदिर) every year. However, we had declared this temple closed...

Life at SCA Vatika

Life at SCA Vatika is getting better and better not only for humans but also for cows, birds, butterflies, honeybees, plants and flowers....

How long to fear from COVID-19?

Going by daily updates about COVID-19 and its variants occurring almost every week, life seems never be returning to normalcy or not in...

क्या करें जब COVID-19 अपने अनेको-रुप में अधिकतम घातक होता जा रहा है?

अब COVID-19 अपने अनेको-रुप में दिन-प्रतिदिन अधिकतम घातक होता जा रहा है और वास्तव में पूरे भारत के सारे शहर एवं गांव प्रभावित हो गये है।...

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