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Nano (Micro) Holistic Farming-NMHF

This film documented New Technique "Called Nano or Micro Holistic Farming" or referred to as NMHF Developed by SCAIE and Implemented at...

World Environment Day, June 5th

It’s our tiny efforts and commitments on this day, 5th June to save Mother Earth of plenty. Carbon Dioxide is held responsible for Global...

Butterfly Park at SCA Vatika

A Butterfly Park is being setup at SCA Vatika of SCA Institute of Holistic Farming under D.I.Y. Projects of SCAIE. It’s not only the...

Awesome Lemons of SCA Vatika

यह संतरा (Oranges) या मोसंबी (Sweet lemons) नहीं है। यह नींबू (Lemons) है SCA VATIKA के जिसके छिलके बहुत ही पतले (thin skin) है और एक...

Must have a Motive in Life

This film documented affections for Bicycles amongst children everywhere apart from some inspiring talks about importance of a Motive in...

हमारी नर्मदा परिक्रमाः हेतु, समापन, सारांश, निष्कर्ष एवं सबक

- पृष्ठभूमि - नर्मदा परिक्रमा कठिनतम वामावर्ती दिशा (Anticlockwise) में शुलपानेश्वर महादेवजी मंदिर (Statue of Unity and Sardar Sarovar...

Healthy living with Nature at SCA Vatika

मेरी SCA Vatika की धरती ना ही सोना उगले, ना उगले हीरे मोती, उगले स्वास्थ्य ही स्वास्थ्य, मेरी SCA Vatika की धरती.. चलो हम बनाए स्वच्छ...

3 Farm Laws Repealed

PM Narendra Modi JI's address to the nation on गुरु नानकदेवजी के प्रकाश पर्व to repeal 3 Farm Laws could have unending Views and Debates...

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