Innovative Kharif Season at SCA Vatika
Monsoon is deceptive as usual with long dry spell when farmers around SCA Vatika already had sown seeds for Kharif Crops. However, this...
Monsoon is deceptive as usual with long dry spell when farmers around SCA Vatika already had sown seeds for Kharif Crops. However, this...
Mission SCAIE is focused to make A world better place for generations to come to enjoy life with peace and happiness full of joys. Life...
Construction of basic structure of Greenhouse at SCA VATIKA is completed today. Next week dome shall be constructed to cover up with UV...
In Food Supply Chain, Farming is basic and must be made sustainable. Holistic Farming techniques and technologies as well as Nano farming...
Greenhouse for SCA Vatika is designed & developed by Suresh Gorana using most advanced technology integrated with Holistic Farming...
Amazing Maize crops of SCA Vatika is thrashed and packed. And that completes all the stages of farming of Rabi crops Rai, Chana, Bajra,...
Average yield of maize at SCA VATIKA during Rabi 2021 is 6.3 tonnes per hectare, which is highest ever in this arid region where average...
भूट्टा ही भूट्टा and very delicious देशी भूट्टा। It's healthy snacks daily in morning and evening with green tea or coffee. Also as corn...
COVID-19 pandemic consumed entire 2020 with no relief in foreseeable future. Yet, 2020 was full of life at SCA Vatika with eventful,...
SCA VATIKA is fast turning into a relaxing resort like and making life better and better with lot many creative DIY activities in this...
CSR Programs of SCAIE are not just in philosophies to talk about but making the needy Self-sufficient through Self-commitments in...
Photos clicked today, 10 December 2020 are of Rabi 2020-21 Crops of 30-40 days at SCA Vatika, the results of Holistic Farming developed...
कोरोना महामारी के चलते एक साल से जिंदगी जैसे थम ही गयी, कहीं तो होगी धैर्य और विश्वास की सीमाएँ जरुर... अपनों को खोने का गम है यह कैसा?...
लगता ही नही कि मैं 68 साल का हो गया आज। समय की रफ़्तार कुछ ज्यादा ही तेज़ है, जब कि अभी तो मैं एक विद्यार्थी मात्र हूँ, जिसमें बहुत कुछ...
रबी मौसम 2020-21 की SCA Vatika में शानदार फसलें होने के संकेत ठीक वैसे दिखाई दे रहे हैं जैसे "होनहार बिरवान केे होत चीकने पात" इस रबी...
कोरोना महामारी के चलते हमारा बाबा रामदेव मंदिर (Temple of Spirit) मार्च 2019 से पूर्णतः बंद रखा गया है और 15 नवंबर, 2020 को अन्नकूट के...
गत ख़रीफ़ (Kharif crops) फसलों के अच्छा होने की उम्मीदों पर देर से हुइ लगातार बारिश की झड़ियों ने पानी फेर दिया। SCA VATIKA में भी ख़रीफ़...
किसानों से बेहतर कौन जानता है कि बार-बार की विफलता में एक सफलता जिंदगी का आधार बन जाती है, जैसे मकड़ी सिर्फ एक ही तार रहते हुए भी बहुत...
12kW solar power system is installed and tested successfully at SCA Vatika on 25th September 2020. With this, SCA Vatika is now fully...
रिश्ते बनने में देर जरुर लगती है, लेकिन रिश्ते कभी टूटते नहीं... हाँ रिश्तों के स्वाद बदलते रहते है। रिश्ते जीवन के बंधनों के परे होते...