Amazing results of SCAIE's Holistic Farming
Our groundnuts grown by Holistic Farming at SCA VATIKA produced 47.8% oil as against the best of groundnuts produce oil 40% average or...
Our groundnuts grown by Holistic Farming at SCA VATIKA produced 47.8% oil as against the best of groundnuts produce oil 40% average or...
As can be seen in these pictures, wheat crops in SCA VATIKA came up awesome and healthier with zero care and without any attendant while...
गत 2 वर्ष से अधिक समय से समस्त विश्व कोरोना (COVID-19, Omnicron) की महामारी से जूझ रहा है। ऐसे समय में सभी को अपने अपने घरों में ही...
मेरी SCA Vatika की धरती ना ही सोना उगले, ना उगले हीरे मोती, उगले स्वास्थ्य ही स्वास्थ्य, मेरी SCA Vatika की धरती.. चलो हम बनाए स्वच्छ...
SCA Vatika के 90 km परिधि में बहुत से दार्शनिक स्थल है, जैसे किः स्टेच्यु ओफ य़ुनीटि (Statue of Unity), 59 km सरदार सरोवर बाँध, 64 km...
Awesome and artistically growing crops of Wheat, Tur (pigeon pea), Guava, Billy, Flowers, and of course amazing Roads and Landscapes at...
Air, Water, and Food are essentials to sustain life. Fresh Air, Clean Potable Water, and Healthy Nutritious Food are necessities to live...
Enchanting first morning of my 70th year of eventful life full of opportunities and satisfaction. And still going up and up... And lucky...
Evening of 23 November 2021 in SCA Vatika is active, healthy and refreshing as can be seen in this video. SCAIE wishes Happy Birthday to...
PM Narendra Modi JI's address to the nation on गुरु नानकदेवजी के प्रकाश पर्व to repeal 3 Farm Laws could have unending Views and Debates...
Sowing of wheat in SCA VATIKA completed on 14 November 2021, 3-4 weeks in advance of normal sowing time in this arid region by following...
We will start sowing of wheat in SCA VATIKA from tomorrow, 12th November 2021 by following upgraded techniques of Holistic Farming where...
छोले-भटूरे छोले-भटूरे की लाजवाब बहार और छोले अगर खूद SCA VATIKA की ही उपज हो तो फिर कहना ही क्या? दीपावली (festival of lights) के दिये ने...
आज विक्रम संवत 2078, भाईदूज SCAIE के लिए विशेष है। हमारे प्रेरणास्त्रोत प्रातःस्मरणीय परमपूज्य दादा की आज 98वीं जन्म जयंती है। दादा...
What is worth to be noticed in above pictures? Our cows seen in these pictures are our most valuable workers helping us to prepare the...
Most of Kharif 2021 crops are almost damaged due to the prolonged spell of heavy rains at harvesting time in this arid region. In areas...
अश्विन मास की पूर्णिमा को शरद पूर्णिमा के नाम से भी जाना जाता है। इस दिन से शरद ऋतु का आगमन होता है। शरद पूर्णिमा वर्षा ऋतु और शीत ऋतु के...
Harvesting of Groundnuts crops at SCA Vatika started from 17 October 2021. The pictures and film of this blog speak the success of...
Today, 15 October 21 is Dussehra and traditionally we worship tools and God Vishwakarma to bless us with talents that empower us for...