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Ramu, a grand old Bull of SCA Vatika

Grand old Bull, Ramu seen in above pictures and video left SCA Vatika on 8 October 2021 for his heavenly abode. His family of cows and...

बाबा रामदेवजी समाधि उत्सव (भादवा सुदी दशमी)

बाबा रामदेवजी समाधि उत्सव (भादवा सुदी दशमी, 16 सितम्बर 2021) के आज 75 वर्ष हुए जब हमारे प्रेरणास्त्रोत पूजनीय दादा कवांट, गुजरात स्थित...

Happy Engineers Day

God give Life but Engineers make it worth living in comforts and secured.

Food crisis in Sri Lanka

Caution: Above video is one sample amongst many such videos in the public media that I have selected here only as an important NEWS about...


पर्युषण त्योहार की मुख्य बातें जैन धर्म के पांच सिद्धांतों पर आधारित हैं। जैसे कि अहिंसा यानी कि किसी को कष्ट ना पहुंचाना, सत्य, अस्तेय...

Micronutrients for thoughts

Knowledge finds the path and Wisdom lights it. Expertise comes only by experience. Knowledge keeps growing on the trusted turf of...

Janmashtami at SCA Vatika

Janmashtami celebration is always at our Temple of Spirit (बाबा रामदेव मंदिर) every year. However, we had declared this temple closed...

Value of freedom

Experiment of giving complete freedom to the cows of Leela-Mona Gaushala at SCA Vatika is worth witnessing in this video. Viewers can...

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