COVID-19 is here to stay
COVID-19 is spreading globally at exponential speed and everybody now know that it cannot be cured in near future. Self-precautions are...
COVID-19 is spreading globally at exponential speed and everybody now know that it cannot be cured in near future. Self-precautions are...
गुरु गोविन्द दोउ खड़े, काके लागु पाय। बलिहारी गुरु आपकी, सच से दियो मिलाय।। सत्य ही ईश्वर है। Truth is only God. I am fortunate to...
Under DIY projects of manufacturing of Smart Garden Poles are going on well to increase skills of unskilled workers. More tribal women...
SCA Vatika continue with creative activities under DIY projects for imparting skills during COVID-19 pandemic to improve life of workers...
Sheetal is a tribal girl recently left Highschool of my town, Kawant after studying 10th. Her family has small farm adjoining SCA Vatika....
Today, 21 June 2020 is Solar Eclipse. Monsoon not yet set in this arid area around SCA Vatika and farmers likely to begin sowing in next...
"आपका कार्य आपसे बन सके उतनी अच्छी तरह से कीजिए और हो सके उतनी उसमें पूर्णता लाने कि हर संभव कोशिश करें, यही सर्वोत्तम प्रभु सेवा है।"...
COVID-19 महामारी के चलते SCA VATIKA सदैव सकारात्मक ऊर्जा से कार्यरत रही है। आज SCA VATIKA की आत्मनिर्भरता के ओर एक और कदम बढ़या जब बहन...
लॉकडाउन-4 खत्म हुआ और अनलॉक-1 शुरु हुआ है और आगे अनलॉक की श्रृंखला शायद चलती रहेगी। कानून और व्यवस्था बनाये रखना हरवख्त सभी परिस्थितियों...
आज महाकवि संत कबीर जी की जयंति पर सत् सत् नमन। य़ोगानुयोग आज चंद्रग्रहण और विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस भी है। किसान अभी ख़रीफ़ मौसम की शुरुआत की...
The Rabi season of 2019-20 is eventful in India where crops are damaged by unseasonal rain and hailstorm which further turned into...
LOCKDOWN to fight COVID-19 pandemic gifted priceless moments at SCA VATIKA to peep inside heart to realise immense power of inner...
By living closer to the Nature, Life at SCAIE is getting better and better with more creativity in Pandemic COVID19. At SCA VATIKA, we...
I personally and SCAIE wishes all the visitors of our website Safe and Happy Rongali Bihu with your families at home this time of...
SCAIE is working with all resources that we have, to make world A better place for generations to come. Our resources are: श्रम, Hard...
वैशाख मास के प्रथम दिन को 'बैसाखी' कहते है। बैसाखी के दिन ही सूर्य मेष राशि में संक्रमण करता है अत: इसे मेष संक्रांति भी कहते हैं। यह...
अगर COVID19 महाविनाशक संकटकारी है तो संकटमोचन (Trouble-shooter) हनुमानजी सभी संकट को क्षणभर में मिटा देनेवाले मारक औषध (antidote) है।...
Now India is entering into the most dangerous stage of getting infected by Coronavirus Covid-19 and that could infect many more with...
India is completely LOCKDOWN for 21 days starting from midnight of 24 March 2020 to fight Coronavirus COVID-19. Life is getting better...
Since childhood I was told that "Experience is the Best Teacher". Now I am past 66 and I am knowledgeable to the large extent and people...