SCA Vatika में शरद पूर्णिमा
अश्विन मास की पूर्णिमा को शरद पूर्णिमा के नाम से भी जाना जाता है। इस दिन से शरद ऋतु का आगमन होता है। शरद पूर्णिमा वर्षा ऋतु और शीत ऋतु के...
अश्विन मास की पूर्णिमा को शरद पूर्णिमा के नाम से भी जाना जाता है। इस दिन से शरद ऋतु का आगमन होता है। शरद पूर्णिमा वर्षा ऋतु और शीत ऋतु के...
God give Life but Engineers make it worth living in comforts and secured.
पर्युषण त्योहार की मुख्य बातें जैन धर्म के पांच सिद्धांतों पर आधारित हैं। जैसे कि अहिंसा यानी कि किसी को कष्ट ना पहुंचाना, सत्य, अस्तेय...
कास हम कोरोना के पश्चात सही तरीकों से जीना दोबारा सीख जाएँ !
Reaction of your actions from others could be an illusion but self-reaction is all that true and makes your mind either peaceful or...
Knowledge finds the path and Wisdom lights it. Expertise comes only by experience. Knowledge keeps growing on the trusted turf of...
We have to do something to make sure that in future or now all people should have pesticides-free enough food for better health, be it...
Vegetables' growth in our Greenhouse is slower than normally observed in this area around SCA VATIKA. But that is how it should be...
Today, 17 August 2021 a few clicks of vegetables blossoming in Greenhouse at SCA Vatika. Awesome growth seen above is in this arid region...
Independence always empowers to convert dreams into realities. No one dreams for unhappiness either for self or for others. To make...
Early morning Each day I die and childhood returns to begin a day in new life. Fears of death vanish and life gets filled with dreams,...
आज “नाग पंचमी)” को मेरे पिताजी (दादा) की 26वीं पूण्यतिथी है। SCA Vatika स्थित “लीला-मोना” गोशाला में गायो को आज से पूर्णतहः आजाद किया गया...
It has been two years when COVID-19 stopped the wheels of world and caged us all. It has been two years when COVID-19 stopped the wheels...
Success makes you generous, but failures give you keys for expertise. There are absolutely no reasons to worry about results unless you...
“Life is full of joys forever” by creativity and by ability to dream that I CAN, and I WILL. And easier to make it so together with a...
सावन का महिना हो और सृष्टी में सभी जीवों के जीवन में खुशियों की जैसे चौतरफ़ा बाढ़ आ गयी हो। इसलिए ही सावन में गीत-संगीत और त्योहारों के...
In my childhood, I observed that herdsman used to take herd of cows every day in morning and returns in evening after grazing them in...
Monsoon season offers great opportunities to improve health of soil, cows, plants and trees in SCA Vatika. My recent blogs are all about...
My sister Indu, my wife Barkha and I were vaccinated for Dose 2 of Covishield vaccines on 19th July 2021 in the Anganwadi of a remote...
Farming is an art and not a business. Businesses have ups and downs while art has only ups. Unfortunately, farming is equated with...