Farming as an Art
Farming as a Profession
Farming is the oldest art developed by humans but very little is done to improve it significantly to keep pace with ever growing population because basic resources in doing farming like water and hardworking attitudes were available in abundance. Therefore, farming was considered the best choice until time in recent past.
Beliefs that farming is more an art than a profession where affection and attitudes plays important role to be a farmer and therefore no formal education or training were required, and it remains family traditions to continue with farming for generations. Farmer’s role in society is like a mother in family who serves food with love without expectations in commercial terms.
Money landers and traders exploited simplicity and giver-attitudes of farmers. Younger mind of farmers therefore started looking farming as a profession more than an art. Younger generation finds farming is highly labour intensive and farm labour cost kept increasing with declining availability of farm labour. Therefore, technologies are continuing to develop and modernise farm implements to ease farming.
Chemical fertilizers started replacing organic fertilizers to increase crops yields and pesticides also becoming necessity in farming.
Now, farming is fully a profession and no more an art puzzled with cost/benefits ratio which is ever increasing to frustration in younger farmers.
As if increasing farm labour cost was not enough to frustrate younger farmers, another basic need of water too becoming difficult to get. The ultimate source of water is monsoon and that too is now irregular leading either to scarcity/draught or cloudburst situations.
Net result is that younger farmers found doing farming is not easy, enjoyable and rewarding profession as against working in cities
Therefore, farming is dying fast and that is dangerous trend to sustain food availability to the ever-increasing population.
Dynamic and down to earth family of SCAIE basically serving farmers nearly for a century now, are in pain to see ever increasing difficulties of farmers. Therefore, younger generation of SCAIE have decided to adopt farming by themselves to evolve sustainable solutions in farming.
Fortunately, SCAIE could now ready to offer sustainable solutions in farming which is possible only due to love and respects for farmers and experiencing difficulties in farming first by becoming farmers ourselves and at the same time acquiring talents of international class in Hi-Tech areas of integrated water resources management and robotics apart from execution of large projects in Oil and Gas industries by working with international companies in India and overseas.