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Suresh Gorana

Kharif 2021 Groundnuts Crops production at SCA Vatika

Most of Kharif 2021 crops are almost damaged due to the prolonged spell of heavy rains at harvesting time in this arid region. In areas surrounding SCA Vatika, groundnuts crops are completely damaged with zero yield and its stubble is not usable even as cattle fodders. The farmers indeed have lost the cost incurred towards seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, laborers, usage of bullocks & tractor, usage of irrigation water during initial prolonged dry-spell of monsoon, etc. Thereby, farmers' income is negative and they hope to get some compensation through crops insurance, if any.

Kharif 2018 surveyed data of groundnuts crops are given below:

Among the surveyed states, the highest yield of 2051 kg/ha was estimated for Rajasthan, followed by 1421 kg/ha for Gujarat, 1361 kg/ha for Maharashtra, 883 kg/ha for Andhra Pradesh and 750 kg/ha for Karnataka.

The national average yield was estimated at 1336 kg/ha.

Kharif-2021 groundnuts crops at SCA Vatika is fortunately survived the prolonged spell of heavy rains with amazing yield of 1638 kg/ha and of the highest premium quality. It has average double filtered oil contents of minimum 48% with natural flavour for cooking varieties of Gujarati tangy and delicious food items.

In addition, tonnes of stubble of groundnuts crops is the most nutritious cattle fodders available completely free of cost to us for our cows.

Once again, this proved the success of Holistic Farming developed by SCAIE and applied with Regenerative and Biological Systems at SCA Vatika for groundnuts crops. Fertilizers and Pesticides of any kind were not used. It was completely labour-free, bullocks-free and groundnuts crops was not at all irrigated from sowing to harvesting even though monsoon was delayed, nearly for a month of dry-spell after sowing the seeds.

Do we really need to compare farmers income for the Kharif-2021 crops?

The farmers around SCA Vatika are completely in distress, be it for any crops.

A short video below was shot by our director, Dilip Gorana, where a young farmer is speaking the truth about groundnuts crops in his farm in a village KOCHVAD, 16 km from SCA Vatika.

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