Rabi Crops (2019-20) of Wheat and Chickpeas (Chana) at SCA VATIKA are harvested with high yields (6.5 times as compared to traditional farming) of premium quality with techniques of Holistic Farming using Regenerative & Biological systems and ZERO use of any types of pesticides and fertilisers.
Also, it is bullocks-free, labour-free and consuming only 3% of irrigation water as compared to traditional farming.
This stands as a proof of success of Holistic Farming of SCAIE.
SCAIE is now all set to implement Holistic Farming worldwide through “Farming Groups of small farmers, FGSF” in Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh of India and also in Hanoi regions of Vietnam where farms are small and largely stepped-farms so to make farming labour-free, bullock/buffalo-free, easy, enjoyable and rewarding.