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Suresh Gorana

Resolved to gift "A better tomorrow"

COVID-19 pandemic consumed entire 2020 with no relief in foreseeable future. Yet, 2020 was full of life at SCA Vatika with eventful, creative, skill developmental activities, and DIY projects.

For entire 2020 SCAIE fine-tuned their R & D tasks related to Holistic Farming by working from homes in Melbourne, Australia and implemented in farms at SCA Vatika due to which Kharif and Rabi crops are harvested with all time high yields of premium qualities without using any kind of pesticides. From time to time the information were shared in my blogs with photos and videos in real time showing how farming was labour-free, bullocks-free, using only 3% irrigation water and 12% of chemical fertilizers and how farming is made easy, enjoyable, and highly rewarding for young farmers to adopt farming as vibrant career in comforts of homes in own villages rather than migrating to the cities searching jobs.

Only regrets of 2020 for SCAIE is not able to reach out to the small farmers in Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, and Vietnam that we were planning to help in the inaccessible stepped farms on top priority with Holistic Farming Techniques and NANO machines developed by SCAIE and being manufactured at in-house facilities and tie-ups in Australia, India, and Vietnam.

At SCA Vatika, we prayed in various spiritual awakening events organized and shared in my blogs during 2020 by stressing importance of living close to the nature and natural ways of living for early end of COVID-19 pandemic and freedom from similar dreaded diseases to make A world better place for generations to come of all living beings to enjoy life truly.

I wish all the readers of my blogs Safer, Healthier, Happier, Joyous and Prosperous

New Year 2021

Caution for 2021:

Before getting vaccinated for COVID-19, consult your own specialist doctor/s who is/are managing your health all along these years.

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