As discussed in my several earlier blogs, younger farmers are migrating from villages searching jobs and working in cities mainly due to two major issues in farming:
Issue-1: Farming is labour intensive Issue-2: Availability of water and Monsoon highly uncertain and/or irregular
SCAIE had resolved both these issues and now offering sustainable solutions.
Solutions for Issue-1: Farming is made Easy and Enjoyable by
100% Bullocks/Buffalo/Horse-free
90% Labour-free
100% Tractor-free (for small farms)
With LAT based Smart Nano Robotic Machines manufactured by SCAIE and e-marketed only online by advance order booking on this website. These machines are affordable by the farmers having small to large farmland to get all the benefits of Robotic Farming.
Online advance order booking for SCAIE Smart Nano Robotic Machines will be opened on this website shortly after Pandemic COVID19 ends.
Solutions for Issue-2: Farming is made lesser dependent on irregularities of monsoon and maximum Rewarding by
Increasing soil fertility (through SSFP of SCAIE)
Adopting AFM of SCAIE
Adopting Trench Technology of SCAIE
Attending free Skill Development Programs of SCAIE (advance booking required)
Attending free Seminar and Workshop of SCAIE (advance booking required)
Registering yourself on this website by submitting only your name and email address to get all updates instantly and completely free of cost lifelong and without any obligations
Online advance booking will be opened for Skill Development Programs, Seminars and Workshops with dates and venue (in Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh and in Vietnam) on this website shortly after Pandemic COVID19 ends.