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Suresh Gorana

What next after amazing success in farming at SCA Vatika?

MISSION SCAIE have Holistic approach to make farming sustainable on ground (land) and not in air or in dreams.

How can farming be made even possible without first having soil (land) as the most basic requirement?

Vertical farming can't be a solution to maintain the Food Chain that could feed the population of living beings.

I know this fundamental truth very well while formulating the MISSION SCAIE. Therefore, to start with this huge and the toughest mission only on my self-initiatives, I first studied and analyzed about:

  • Basic difficulties that farmers are facing,

  • Causes of Rural Migration, and

  • Extent of farming-land lost in various Mega projects (like dams, highways, etc.)

by myself driving to visit entire India and meeting farmers face to face including friendly govt officials, NGOs and PAP (Project Affected People) at GROUND ZERO.

With my skills, talents, knowledge, expertise and international experience of nearly 5 decades in Hi-Tech projects of petroleum industries worldwide, I evaluated with a single objective, “to find a path forward" by accepting the realities in Mega projects whether their targeted objectives are met fully or partly but already had engulfed huge farming-land. I have kept systematic records of these realities in thousands of HD pictures and videos taken by myself, that I will never share or make public since that could defeat my basic aim "to find the path forward" positively in order to make farming sustainable on farming-land, whatever we are left with or may be left with as we move further.

On 25 November 2021, I will be past 69 of my eventful life: contented and empowered with vision and wisdom. I am still energetic, healthy and determined to move forward positively by looking into the contributions of everyone; let it be a little, leaving aside shortcomings, errors and failures whatever and wherever they may be in any spheres of life and business.

Fortunately, SCAIE is successful in making SCA Vatika, nearly a perfect model where farming is successfully made sustainable, easy, enjoyable and highly rewarding to adopt it as vibrant career and profession by younger farmers and by generations to come, an only way to reverse Rural Migration. All my blogs stand testimony that farming at SCA Vatika is:

  • Labor-free,

  • Bullocks-free, and

  • Independent from irregularities of monsoon, or

  • Within availability of irrigation water supplies in this arid region

Holistic Farming developed by SCAIE with Regenerative & Biological systems and implemented at SCA Vatika proved successful with the amazing results where:

  1. Soil health maintained and soil fertility keeps improving continuously

  2. Farm produce (crops, vegetables and fruits) are of premium quality and high yield

  3. Farm produce are healthy, extra nutritious and 100% pesticides-free since we never use any types of pesticides

  4. External fertilizers of any kinds (no compost, no organic and no inorganic) are not used. Only micronutrients and a little of inorganic fertilizers are used as supplements as may be required.

What next after amazing success in farming at SCA Vatika?

Now, knowledge, expertise and benefits achieved on pilot scale at SCA Vatika must be shared nationwide and globally through the sponsored seminars & workshops on “Farming made sustainable, easy, enjoyable and highly rewarding to adopt it as vibrant career and profession by generations to come to” at New Delhi, Dehradun and Vietnam, at the earliest possible.

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