SCAIE gives more importance to work culture that can make workers and staff feel at home in comforts of one family. Knowledge and skills can be learnt but culture must be developed with faith, love, and respect for all without discriminating amongst owner, management or workers like a mother builds and maintains home.
By living closer to the Nature:
Life at SCAIE is getting better and better with more creativity in COVID19 pandemic.
SCA Vatika continues with creative activities under DIY projects for imparting skills during COVID-19 pandemic to improve life of workers back home.
Sheetal and Ramila are tribal women participated in DIY projects of making Smart Garden Poles in SCA Vatika and both are now skilled Mason, earning six times plus perks befitting skilled workers.
SCAIE is proud of women power in Creativity at SCA Vatika.
Together, owner, management or workers are enjoying break time in natural surroundings of awesome SCA VATIKA with awesome music playing in background.
The world has slowed down during COVID19 pandemic and nature is breathing a sigh of relief!
As the nature is healing, it is the time that you also start working towards your own healing. Mother Nature has always provided all our needs, but we have become so engrossed and selfish that we could no longer see how much harm we have done to Mother Nature and thus in return to Our Own Selves!
At SCA VATIKA, we pray for peace returning earliest. With priceless lessons learnt, we must start building New World afresh by respecting Mother Nature of Plenty for generations to come to enjoy life peacefully with redefined happiness and prosperity.
कोरोना की महामारी के चलते सिर्फ निम्न सावधानियाँ बरतना सभी के अपने हाथो में ही हैः
1. अधिकतर अपने घरों में ही रहें,
2. दो गज की दूरी बनाए रखें,
3. Mask से मुंह को नाक तक ढके रखें,
4. बार-बार हाथों को साबुन से धोएँ,
5. मुंह, नाक और आँखो को हाथ या अंगुलि लगाने से पहले sanitizer से साफ़ अवश्य करें
6. और सदा आनंदित रहें
उक्त तमाम व्यक्तिगत सावधानियों का खुद ही सख्ती से पालन करें और कोरोना को अब कोइ मौका ना दें किसी की भी जान लेने का।
तो फिर कोरोना से अब डर कैसा? सिर्फ चोतरफा सतर्क रहें और अपनी सुरक्षा खूद करें।
आओ चलें अब जीना सिख लें दोबारा...
कोई भी कदम छोटा नहीं होता आत्मनिर्भरता के लिए...
COVID-19 महामारी के दौरान अपने आपको सुरक्षित रखना सबसे पहला कदम है।
याद रहें:
"जान है तो जहाँ है"
No step is small to achieve self-sufficiency. Just try it without any fear and prejudice.
Self-sufficiency should not only free you from dependency from others but should also free yourself from negativities, destructive ego, and jealousy.
Self-sufficiency is meaningful only when you become generous and helpful to others in your surroundings.
You cannot become self-sufficient without supports of your generous surroundings, be it nature that you are only one part.
Be strong to make others stronger to live and enjoy life to its fullest purpose and thereby to make New World A better place for generations come.
Work culture can grow in the simplest workplace and not necessarily in comforts of AC offices or with big pay-package.
It is break time.
Please join with us to have light refreshment and tea in natural surroundings of awesome SCA VATIKA and awesome folk music of Rajasthan playing in background.