This is one song (एकला चालो र...) inspired me to leave highly rewarding four decades of international career as Chemical Engineer and carry-on Farming, a subject considered to be for those who are either not educated enough or for those who couldn't find any jobs and need to do it more as a compulsion in own farmland in the villages.
Recently there is a large-scale Rural migration. Younger farmers are leaving farming and prefer working in cities since farming is labour intensive, laborers are expensive and not available. In addition, farming became uncertain and risky due to irregularity of monsoon.
A trouble-shooter in me was determined to find sustainable solutions and making farming easy, enjoyable and highly rewarding profession for the younger farmers who can adopt farming by leaving jobs in cities.
One more song (हम होंगे कामयाब एक दिन...) kept me focused to explore and experimenting in farming, that I found was actually Hi-Tech area but neglected all these years, at least since I was a child.
And finally, at SCAIE we are successful in developing Holistic Farming with sustainable solutions and awesome results achieved at SCA Vatika that had made farming truly Hi-Tech, labour-free, bullocks-free, nearly independent from irregularities of monsoon, easy, enjoyable and highly rewarding for younger farmers (now they are most educated and might have been well placed in cities) to adopt farming as their vibrant career and worth returning to their own villages.